Find a cure for Hemophilia

Carey Cunningham passed away last year. Her oldest son has severe factor 8 deficiency hemophilia. She always wanted to start a company called "i love you blood red" in support of the hemophilia community.  Carey was extremely involved in the hemophilia community and even took a job where she helped people with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. Please help us raise money in her name. 100% of the profit will go directly to the hemophilia community. 

Hemophilia Awareness

<div><div>Carey Cunningham passed away last year. Her oldest son has severe factor 8 deficiency hemophilia. She always wanted to start a company called "i love you blood red" in support of the hemophilia community.  Carey was extremely involved in the hemophilia community and even took a job where she helped people with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. Please help us raise money in her name. 100% of the profit will go directly to the hemophilia community. </div></div><div></div>
