IF YOU DON'T OWN ONE ELCO..<br> Great shirt for all G-Body owners and enthusiasts!<br> <div>Makes a perfect gift!<br>Click "<b>BUY IT NOW</b>" to reserve yours today!<div><br></div> <div> <img src="https://d1b2zzpxewkr9z.cloudfront.net/user_images/be8effe3cb94e9bf1e94a9150b5a36e69775917d/687474703a2f2f686f6d652e6172636f722e64652f637275697a696e6b65762f6f776e65632e6a7067"><br><br><u>Sizes:</u><br>Hanes Tagless Tee goes up to 3XL<br>Fruit of the Loom Tee up to 5XL<br>Gildan 8oz Heavy Blend Hoodie up to 5XL<br>Women's Fitted Tee up to 2XL<br><br><b><u>TIP: SHARE it with your friends, order together and save on shipping!</u></b><br><br>Remember to <b>LIKE, SHARE &amp; TAG </b>our campaign on facebook! Thank you for your support!<br><br><b><u>Check out our other shirts:</u></b><br><a href="http://www.gbodyshirts.com/" target="" rel="nofollow"><b>http://www.GBodyShirts.com/</b></a><b> </b><br><br>*ATTENTION READ BELOW*<br>You will not be charged until we reach our goal! We must reach the goal for these shirts to print. If we don't reach the goal by the end of the sale, the shirts will NOT be printed &amp; you will NOT be charged! When the campaign ends, shirts will printed.<br><div><br></div> <div> <b>Give us a "Like" on facebook:</b><br><a href="http://facebook.com/GBodyShirts" target="" rel="nofollow"><b>http://facebook.com/GBodyShirts</b></a><b> </b> </div> </div> </div>
