Northbounder: Vintage Northland KC #1

<div> <b>Northland Penguin: That's how we slide! </b>is the first in a set of vintage style tee's that harken back to our childhood growing up in KC's Northland.<br> </div><div><br></div>Northbounder is a bi-weekly video magazine released on the first and fifteenth of each month with an accompanying website and smart phone app committed to providing information that enhances and enriches the experience of living in or visiting Kansas City’s Northland.  <div>Each elegant, thoughtfully designed episode profiles interesting places, personalities and events in the arts, sports, entertainment, business, history and social scene. We cover issues important to the northland area and significant trends affecting the lives of those who live here.  </div><div>We also offer timely tips on retail shopping in the area, terrific places to dine, and family day trips worth your time. Our calendar of events is a lively guide to the arts, culture, leisure and entertainment in the area.</div><div><br></div><div> <b>Our first Northbounder episode launches on March 1,2015</b><br> </div>

Do the De-li-cious Penguin

There ain't much cooler than a dancin' penguin!  Tasty &amp; De-li-cious. <br>

PENGUIN PRINT - Charity Clothing

This is the <b>Penguin</b> print for the Macmillan Charity clothing line, part of four different designs. 100% of the profits will go straight to Macmillan Cancer Support. It would honestly mean the world to not only me but also all cancer sufferers around the world if you bought a piece!<div><br></div><div> <div> <i>Made by a young graphic designer looking to make a change, no matter how insignificant in relation to the bigger picture.</i><br> </div> <div><i><br></i></div> <div></div> </div><div> <div><br> </div> <div><br></div> <div>PLEASE DM me on my Facebook if you do buy one!!</div> </div>
