I Can't Want To eL Village

Hello all, God gave me a download 21 yrs, because of life, fear and doubt, I never followed through with it. I know God is waiting for me to make it happen, because no one else has done it. Since the original idea, God has added to it and allowed me to experience so many things to make this idea complete. I have gained experience to prepare for this amazing project that will allow me and my family to be able to walk into our purpose.  We will be able to participate and benefit and to also be able to walk into our true calling which is to serve. These shirts will help us fund this dream in the beginning stages, this goes back to a family saying, that my daughter use to say, she was a part of the original process. I am being obedient to God! Thanks in advance for your support!

You had one job. Fail!

You had one job!

I'll Fight You, And I'll Win

You ever find yourself arguing with someone and in in your head you've already fought them, and won.

I'm Tired. [ 2 ]

<div><div><div> <div>This is the hoodie version of the sweater. </div> <div>We all have days when we're tired and we just don't want to talk to people. But people don't know it unless you tell them. And if like me you're too shy to tell them to get away from you or too polite, this shirt <b>might</b> -And I really mean " might " not " will " keep them away. </div> <div><br></div> <div>If it works, you can thank me later. :'D</div> <div>If it doesn't .. well .. sorry. D:</div> </div></div></div>

The "Lover" Tee

If you're a lover and not a fighter the "Lover" tee may be for you.<br>

Think For Authority. Question Yourself.

A reversal on the quote, "Question Authority. Think For Yourself." In our twisted world, a twisted saying that still provokes a thought or two.

Jamaican's 7 Ups

These are seven of the most popular Jamaican slang.<br>Big Up<br>Large Up<br>Bless Up<br>Live Up<br>Tun Up<br>Way Up<br>Stay Up<br>

Randallisms - Live - Auntie Mame

I believe you need to wring an experience out of life and I have developed many sayings or "<i>Randallisms</i>" that define my beliefs on how to do this.

Moon Lover

If you feel euphoric during the moons waxing and waning cycle's ..<div>perhaps you are a SELENOPHILIAC.</div><div>Show the world your Selenophilia</div>

MJF - make Jesus famous

rep what you believe

Lies, humor, idioms

can we believe anything today with fake news and lies. 

Stemay 二百四十三 (243)

Style has no barrier... 中国<br>
