Salty But Nutritious Humorist T-Shirt

Get the people wonder about your new T-shirt and let them give it a meaning they love to!! :D

PreLoaded Websites-2

Imagine the possibilities with our Preloaded Websites. All that is left is for you to is promote your own website.

I Luv Pussy Cat's

I Just Luv my Pussy Cat

Obviously Cute Ladies Tank Top

If you don't know, we can't explain it. OBVIOUSLY!<br>


Girls love guys in jeans and a WHITE TEE.<div> When they see the words NDC from afar as thats all the letters they can see they will become curious as to the meaning, now imagine their look when they come closer to read the small print.. No Dutch Courage..they will now look at you in a different light some may even fall instantly in love or a least it will be the best icebreaker to start a converstaion.</div>


Youtuber Chilena, modelo, etc.

The Future Awaits

Know your worth. Do not allow people to walk in and out of your life at will. Close the door behind them.

Heart-eyes Emoji Face and nice Red Hat

<div>Heart-eyes Emoji Face and nice Red Hat design for everyone who want to rise their mood and make people around you have fun together and have a happy smile!<br><div> <br><div>▼▼ Click GREEN BUTTON Below To Order ▼▼<div> <b><img src=""><br></b><div> <div>SSL SAFE &amp; SECURE CHECKOUT via<br> </div> <div>VISA | MC | DISC | AMEX | PAYPAL </div> </div> <div> <div><br></div> <div> <img src=""><br> </div> <div><br></div> <div> <b><u>IMPORTANT:</u></b> Our last offer SOLD OUT! This may be your last chance. When the timer ends, That’s it!</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

An emoji is worth 1000 words...

When you have something to say, but don't know quite have the words, go with an emoji phrase.  Be bold and add some humor to your wardrobe. Great for a dive bar or first date on Tinder, get a great laugh with a cool emoji phrase. 

Penis+ Vagina = Happyface

A T-shirt for all you Sex lovers out there.


Guaranteed safe and secure checkout via: Paypal | VISA | MASTERCARD Ordering Issues: Contact: [email protected]

Show some style with a bit of attitude!

According to legend there once was a great explorer who went by the name of Fernando Rochester. He explored the world in search of discovery and wonder. On one of his travels deep in the Amazon rainforest, Rochester came upon an ancient aboriginal tribe. This tribe was incredibly sexually active due to a drug that the tribesmen ingested on a regular basis and were very protective of. Rochester quickly sent word back to the mainland describing the drug, which he dubbed 'Vitamin Sex'. According to Rochester, 'Vitamin Sex' was the most powerful aphrodisiac he ever had the pleasure of trying and that he would bring back a sample on his return trip. Unfortunately Rochester never returned and was subsequently never heard from again. Some say he had a fatal confrontation with the tribe when trying to smuggle the drug. Others say that Rochester decided to join the tribe and enjoy Vitamin Sex with them until the end of his days. Regardless of what happened, neither Rochester nor the tribe was ever found, but the legend lives on.
