The Southern Sassenachs 2016

The Southern Sassenachs, Inc. is an avid Outlander fan base dedicated to raising awareness and funds for Cancer Research. We are a certified Non-Profit Charity.  All proceeds will benefit Bloodwise and World Child Cancer, in honor of Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe, the stars of our beloved show.  Visit us on FB <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and Twitter @SSassenachs.  Please join our Event this September in Charleston, SC <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>  We'd like to thank Laura Ewing @LauraEwF for her amazing design.  <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 


#gangsteroncancer<br><br>Help Molly Fight Back<br><br>Show Molly we love her! Buy this shirt, a custom design she made, and keep it, send it to a friend battling this disease, or wear it proudly! Take pics in your new merch and post them to social media. Make sure you tag Molly so she sees your support @, and include the hastag she created: #gangsteroncancer! Share this campaign with family and friends to help us get the word out about Molly's cool design. :)<br><br>xoxo,<br><br>Friends of Molly<br>

She persist, I persist

Rallying Cry for Elizabeth Warren and all women who deserve to have their voices heard.   50% of profits going towards Stand Up to Cancer for Cancer research research.
