FINALLY! Finally we've got an official #NAPPYNATION shirt and hoodie design! So many of you guys have been asking for a new official shirt and the time has come! (Just in time for Christmas as well!) Scoop up a shirt or hoodie in a variety of different colors and represent the #NAPPYNATION well! <br><br>-Nappy

$ 25
(TS) Limited Edition - Trumplican

<div> <img src="https://d1b2zzpxewkr9z.cloudfront.net/user_images/2c2ec3c8635e8ca3c9e99e8ef26614fe123013bf/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f46655875625a6e2e706e67"><br> </div><div>Guaranteed safe and secure checkout via <b>PayPal/VISA/MASTERCARD. </b> </div><div><b><br></b></div><div>Click the <b>BIG GREEN BUTTON</b> to pick your size/color and order.</div>

$ 37

You were called out on national television during the Presidential debate.  You might as well own it. They're going to require tracking soon anyway.

$ 20
Port A Proud

Port Aransas was one of many cities that hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc on August 25, 2017. This product is going to benefit the coastal town that is very close to my heart, my family's heart, and many other hearts around Texas. Port A is home away from home for my family and we will do whatever it takes to maker her shine again. My husband and I were married on the beautiful beach of Port A, so just like it is important to us, we know it is important to others as well. Proceeds will be directly donated back the City of Port Aransas to help rebuild what was lost. After all we are Texans, and Texans don't turn their backs on fellow Texans. God bless you all, God bless Port A, and God bless Texas! Port A Proud and Texas Strong!

$ 25
#SquadGhouls Halloween Literature Shirt

#SquadGhouls: A Halloween Literature Shirt! This is a fun shirt for English teachers or anyone who loves literature! <div><br></div><div>Be sure to show off your shirt on social media and tag me at @buidingbooklove<br><div><br></div> <div>All proceeds from this fall of 2017 campaign went to the Hurricane Harvey relief fund.  </div> </div>

$ 17

On August 5, 2016 five year old Lucy was diagnosed with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG). This type of cancer is only found in children, and starts in the pons area of the brain stem, which controls vital functions such as breathing and heart rate.<br><br>Most children do not live more than nine months after being diagnosed. 99% of all children diagnosed with this disease do not survive more than five years. Current treatments can slow the progression of the disease, but there is no cure, and there is no expected survivor-ship.<br><br>The funds from this campaign will be used to help cover the expense of medical bills, travel, food, missed work, and the many other costs that the family is going to accrue. <br><br>Help Lucy and her family through this tough time by wearing a lucky 4 leaf clover butterfly to help spread love and support for Lucy.<br><br>Kids products available here- <a title="Link: https://teespring.com/get-loveforlucy#pid=371&amp;cid=6547&amp;sid=front" target="" href="https://teespring.com/get-loveforlucy#pid=371&amp;cid=6547&amp;sid=front">https://teespring.com/get-loveforlucy#pid=371&amp;cid=6547&amp;sid=front</a><br><br>

$ 20
Buds All Day

All Day. All Night. Every Day. Blue and White.<div> <div> <div><b>The Whole Lineup:</b></div> <div>- <a href="https://teespring.com/actuallygood" target="_blank"><b>Actually Good</b></a> (<a href="https://teespring.com/actuallygoodbonus" target="_blank">Bonus Items</a>)</div> <div>- <b><a href="https://teespring.com/big-four" target="_blank">Big Four</a></b> </div> </div> <div>- <b><a href="https://teespring.com/budsallday" target="_blank">Buds All Day</a></b> </div> <div>- <b><a href="https://teespring.com/matthviews" target="_blank">Matthviews</a></b> </div> <div>- <b><a href="https://teespring.com/shoot-pucks-make-points" target="_blank">Shoot Pucks, Make Points</a></b> </div> <div>- <b><a href="https://teespring.com/trelander" target="_blank">Trelander</a></b> (<a href="https://teespring.com/trelander-away" target="_blank">Alternate Colours</a>)</div> </div>

$ 16

The very first <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SPNSignLanguage?src=hash" rel="nofollow">#SPNSignLanguage</a> shirt ready for you to own one!

$ 33
I am #bodypositive

<b>I am #bodypositive</b><div><b><br></b></div><div>We're SO excited to release our latest tee design to raise funds for the YBIC and flood social media with body positive vibrations.</div><div><br></div><div>After all, there is no better time than summer to declare your support of &amp; commitment to body positivity.</div><div><br></div><div><b>You have until <u>July 20th</u> to grab your tee, share the campaign, help us reach our goal and get this design to print.</b></div><div><br></div><div>This movement and message is for anyone and everyone!</div><div><br></div><div>The YBIC is committed to body positivity, diversity, equity and creating &amp; sharing inspiring and positive content with a critical eye &amp; strong footing in our social justice roots for <i>every </i>body!</div><div><br></div><div>And we know you are, too.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Join us by buying a tee (did you know we also offer it in <a href="https://teespring.com/i-am-bodypositive" target="_blank">white?</a>), sharing this fundraising/social media campaign and telling us how YOU define body positivity by tagging us on social media.</b></div><div><b><br></b></div><div>We're so grateful for your energy, enthusiasm and commitment.</div>

$ 18

Easy way to show your support, and help spread awareness. Approximately $9 from each sale will be donated to Jeremy's gofundme account. The goal is 50 shirts being sold! Let's do this!<br>

$ 22

<div>#FreeKevin</div><div><br></div>Designed By: https://twitter.com/PyrosLupus

$ 18

<div> <div> <b>**NOT AVAILABLE IN STORES**</b><br> </div> <div><br></div> </div><div> <b>I AM MY ANCESTORS WILDEST DREAMS SHIRT</b><br> </div><div><b><br></b></div><div><b>FOR MORE COLORS HERE&gt;&gt;&gt;<a href="https://teespring.com/MY_ANCESTORS_WILDEST_DREAMS" target="_blank">https://teespring.com/MY_ANCESTORS_WILDEST_DREAMS</a></b></div><div> <div> <img src="https://vangogh.teespring.com/shirt_pic/21607935/22738478/2/2122/480x9999/front.jpg?v=2017-09-11-10-06"><br> </div> <div>Click <b>BUY IT NOW</b> To Pick Your Size and Order .</div> </div>

$ 21