TRUNK calm shirt

Hurry Up <div>Limited editions available only</div>

$ 22
Bad Trumpanzee! Stop Throwing Feces!

Aren't you completely sick of Trump?  His relentless, aggressive, and outlandish flinging of grotesque insults at nearly everyone crossing his path reminds one of an angry chimp hurling poop... only the raging "<b>Trumpanzee</b>" is nowhere near as charming or eloquent.  It's way past time for the most resplendent narcissist who ever lived to <b>stop throwing feces</b>, and to go squat somewhere far, far from public view.

$ 23


$ 20
trumpW Shirt

<div>As seen on Twitch, the trumpW emote in its full glory on a shirt! </div><div>trumpW - trumpW - trumpW<br> </div><div> <div><br></div> <div><br></div> </div>

$ 20
Trump: Make America Great (in Arabic!)

<div>He did it. Trump won the nomination. </div><div>Yet his message seems to only be in English. I've helped out by translating his message into Arabic, one of his favorite languages. </div><div>Plus they're 1 cent cheaper than on the official website.</div><div>Buy and Enjoy</div><div>(Shirt is parody and fair use)</div>

$ 20
Esperantistoj kontraŭ Trump

<div><b>Montru al la mondo, ke Esperantistoj aktive kontraŭas la venontan prezidenton de Usono, Donald Trump.</b></div><div><br></div><div>La tiparo, kiun mi uzis, nomiĝas Avenir Next. Ĝi esprimas forton kaj solidarecon.</div><div>La koloroj, kiujn mi elektis, helpas la neesperantiston kompreni la signifon de la vortoj.</div><div><br></div><div>Elesperantigita:</div><div><b>Show the world that Esperantists are actively opposing the next president of the United States, Donald Trump.</b></div><div><b><br></b></div><div>The typeface used is Avenir Next. It expresses strength and solidarity.</div><div>The colors I chose help the non-Esperantist understand the meaning of the words.</div>

$ 19
Re-Elect President Trump in 2020

<div>Make America Great Again! Again. Be prepared and look great with your Re-Elect President Trump 2020 T-Shirt. </div><div><br></div>

$ 25
Madea vs Trump

Show your disapproval for the US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump<br>

$ 17