Trans*H4CK Celebrates #TDOV2017

Show your support of Black Trans Americans with this hoodie

$ 39
My Rights Are Not Up For Debate

<b>Remind the world that <i>no one's</i> humans rights should ever be up for debate, </b>and that regardless of our differences, we all deserve to have our rights upheld and respected.<br><div><br></div><div><b><u>All</u> profits from this design will go to charity!</b></div><div>50% will go to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Planned Parenthood</a> </div><div>50% will go to <b>The Rainbow Cards Project</b> - a lgbt+ charity aiming to combat isolation &amp; prejudice through simple acts of kindness. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Link:">Follow us on twitter</a> for more info &amp; updates.</div><div><br></div><div> <i>European customers should order via </i><a href=";cid=100029&amp;sid=front" target="_blank"><i>this page</i></a><i> instead, in order to avoid customs charges!</i> </div><div> <a href="" target="_blank">Check out our other unique, charity-benefiting designs!</a><br> </div><div></div>

$ 21
Leave Trans Ppl Alone!

Leave Trans People Alone is a campaign created by a queer black transgender man to provide people that say they support transgender people one way of the many to actually support transgender people. Proceeds from this on going campaign will go to trans people to assist with day to day expenses as well as assistance with healthcare expenses. 

$ 23
My Rights Are Not Up For Debate

<b>Remind the world that <i>no one's</i> humans rights should ever be up for debate, </b>and that regardless of our differences, we all deserve to have our rights upheld and respected.<br><div><br></div><div><b><u>All</u> profits from this design will go to charity!</b></div><div>50% will go to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Planned Parenthood</a> </div><div>50% will go to <b>The Rainbow Cards Project</b> - a lgbt+ charity aiming to combat isolation &amp; prejudice through simple acts of kindness. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Follow us on twitter</a> for more info &amp; updates.</div><div><br></div><div> <a href="" target="_blank">Check out our other unique, charity-benefiting designs!</a><br> </div><div></div>

$ 24
Trans Army Knife

Next in our series of weekly alter.grounds designs is a marvel of innovation. Utilizing the latest in technology, the Trans Army Knife is a multi-purpose tool for the modern queer on the go. Because sometimes you need a gender, and sometimes you need a corkscrew.<div> <div> <div><br></div> <div>Available in a number of different sizes, styles, and colors including shirts and hoodies. </div> <div><br></div> <div>Check out all of our designs at <a href="" target=""></a> </div> </div> </div>

$ 17
Trans Rights Are Human Rights.

<div>Strong Women Society creates exclusive designs for strong women who are proud to be called feminists; women who are fierce, independent, opinionated, and woke. Women who wear the "Nasty Woman" moniker like a badge of honor.<br><br>Here's another exclusive, empowering design! Your satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed.<br><br>Want to see more great designs? Check out our store: <a href="" target=""></a><br> </div><div><br></div><div> <i>If you are ordering the <b>Women's Comfort Tee</b> make sure you <b>size up</b> by one or two sizes as this style runs small.</i><br> </div>

$ 25

<div>Only moms who have raised transgender kids know how brave they are.</div><div><br></div>All profits will be <b><u>donated</u></b> <b>to </b><i>National Center for Transgender Equality.</i><div> <div><br></div> <div> <img src=""><br> </div> </div>

$ 18
Trans is Not a Crime.

North Carolina. Tennessee. Georgia. Washington. Kansas. Texas.<div>At least 29 states have adopted or are considering adopting laws that will criminalize things that transgender people do every single day. They make it illegal to use the bathroom that matches a person's gender identity. They make it illegal to change your birth certificate to match your other identity documents. They make it illegal for a trans person to enter into a marriage as a heterosexual person. They tell trans kids that they can't use the locker room that aligns with their identity. Proponents of these laws are trying to make being transgender a crime. Trans people all over the US are in danger. We must show our support for those in states that make trans illegal. We have to speak out against oppression. We have to talk to our neighbors and our friends about why these kinds of laws threaten us and people we love. We cannot go quietly. Being trans is not a crime. Proceeds benefit top surgery for co-creator Jules Kutner.</div>

$ 22
Transgender, Powered By Awesome!

So this T-Shirt design is just a cool way for people that are apart of the transgender community to show their pride in who they are. Anything made from this will go towards my top surgery and then after I have it, I will continue to make transpride shirts and donate the money made towards other people that need help getting money.

$ 20
Transgender veteran I fought for your ri

Transgender veteran I fought for your right to hate me

$ 22
Trans Love

Show your love and acceptance for yourself or a friend! Love to all.

$ 22
The Future Is Female Feminism

<img src=""> <br> Guaranteed safe and secure checkout via <b>PayPal/VISA/MASTERCARD</b>.<br>Click the <b>BIG GREEN BUTTON</b> to pick your size/color and order.

$ 22