who's poppy?

P-O-P-P-Y, who's that?<br>Original artwork by myself, Derek Sumares AKA Clean Art Collective<br>

$ 22
Black Shirt Classic Obsessive logo

The front of the shirt has OBVSB which stands for Obsessive Brand. On the Back of the shirt there is a drawing done by Jaden C of a Palm tree and an umbrella. This represents relaxation in these nice summer days. 

$ 22
Water Color Zentangle

Get your fun water color Zentangle patterned shirt, a great addition to your spring tees.

$ 23

Never Average "HUH FRESH" Life is a question, they keep us all guessing. Quit asking, start taking! CUSTOM

$ 22
Tiger Dragon Yin Yang

<div> <i>Internet Exclusive! - </i><i>Available for a few days only</i> </div><div></div><div><br></div><div> <div><i>** VERY High-Quality Hoodies &amp; Tees</i></div> <div><i><br></i></div> <div>Safe &amp; Secure Checkout</div> <div><img src="https://d1b2zzpxewkr9z.cloudfront.net/user_images/0966b380857bfd0e65e2e189f6878b104beec9ca/687474703a2f2f7777772e6368656170687964726f706f6e6963732e636f6d2f762f76737066696c65732f6173736574732f696d616765732f70617970616c2d766973612d6d6173746572636172642e706e67"></div> </div>

$ 23

Please Share For Your Friends!<br> <br>Tag: Jack, skellington, and sally, skellington face, skellington anime, skellington doll, skellington girlfriend, skellington heart, skellington love quotes, quotes to sally

$ 24
Zentangle Ladybugs

Share your hope with this fun zentangle Ladybug t-shirt.   But as for me I will always have Hope...Psalms 71:41 

$ 23
Moses with Wind Swept Hair

Moses parting the Red Sea with his wind swept hair.<div><br></div><div>THIS IS PURELY FOR COMEDIC PURPOSES!</div>

$ 15
Starving Art Student Project

This simple yet evocative design says it all. When you're in art school, all you want to do is create! But there are still bills to be paid and grades to be made. When your brain reaches it's limit, you <i>"</i>Can't think, just art".

$ 22
His Name Is

Beautiful Zentangle inspired His Name Is t-shirt.

$ 22
Lookout Ave

I had created a drawing to go along with my "brand." The goal of this "brand" is to help me pay for college in the near future. Lookout Ave is the name of the street I used to live on. Lookout Ave is where the brand name came from. I included an edited drawing of my room where most of my sneakers used to be. 

$ 26