
<b>MSKDVO</b> Mission is to raise <i>Domestic V</i><i>iolence Awareness</i> among women, men and children <b><u>especially young women</u></b>. We want to spread awareness and we need your help..<div><br></div><div> <b>February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.</b>  Nearly one in 10 high school students will experience physical violence from someone they’re dating. Even more teens will experience verbal or emotional abuse during the relationship. WE'VE all seen it happen and brushed it off because we didn't think about domestic violence in school. </div><div>Violence is so common that sometimes it seems like the normal thing. But it’s not, it’s something we learn—and something we can change.</div><div>WE CAN start by not being afraid of explaining to our youth what it really is and that its unacceptable. Remind them that #LOVEDOESNTHURT</div><div><br></div><div> All proceeds support building MSKDVO WOMEN'S SHELTER <div><br></div> <div> <a href="http://mysisterskeeperdvo.org" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://mysisterskeeperdvo.org</a> </div> </div>

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Strong Women Lift Others Up

We all need and deserve to be supported. I believe strength is truly shown in how we treat others. We as women can enact this change. <div><br></div><div>This campaign will help to raise awareness for domestic abuse. No one deserves to be abused or treated as less than. Throw Kindness around like confetti and get yourself one of these masterpieces. If this does well I will do another in the future.</div>

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HIV/AIDS Awareness and Domestic Violence

In an effort to bring awareness to HIV and Domestic Violence, show your support to  help bring an end to HIV and Domestic Violence

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Demand Oversight for Homeschool Now

Should convicted violent and sexual offenders be able to homeschool their children? They are right now. Let's change this. Bring oversight to Homeschooling. <br>

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End Domestic Violence

Please buy a t-shirt or sweatshirt to show your support against Domestic Violence. It is so common yet so unnoticed. People who are being abused need to know that there are individuals out there who care about them. 

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Women's Domestic Violence Shelter

<p>I am teaming up with my friend and mentor, Cheryl Lacy, to raise money for a local domestic violence shelter.  Over 30 women and some children reside in the shelter.  Wouldn't it be wonderful for them to be able to have presents under the tree?<br></p><p>This is a message from Cheryl: I visited these women on November 22.  I can tell you, they have suffered yet are beautiful, even though many of them bear physical scars.  One thing is for sure, they all bear emotional and mental scars.  I provided them all with self-defense tools, hopefully, this will give them the confidence to live.  And they deserve to live.  Their lives are worth fighting for.  So please join me in blessing them.</p>

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