We Heart Detroit Logo Shirt

We Heart Detroit aims to revitalize the great city of Detroit, starting with the future. What does that mean? Some of the schools within the Metro Detroit area look like third world countries, and children deserve better, as they are the future of our world. While we are not limited to restoring Detroit's school system, this is our starting block in helping this city make its glorious comeback. <div><br></div><div>YOU, the people are the lifeblood of this city! You do not need to be from Detroit or have ties to want to help. </div><div><br></div><div>IF WE CAN SELLOUT OF THIS 150 SHIRT BATCH, WE WILL HAVE FIRST $1,000 TO DONATE TO THE SCHOOLS!</div><div><br></div><div>Rebuilding Detroit. Starting with our future.</div><div>One Heart. One Pulse. One City.</div><div>We Heart Detroit.</div>

$ 23
Parlez-Vous Detroit?

Parlez-Vous Detroit? Show your Detroit French spirit with a tres chic Ribbon Farm Distillers t-shirt or mug! 

$ 22