Pen Is

This is the perfect shirt to wear this summer

"Draw Your Circle"

<p>The ancient Sumerian arts, writings, and theologies hold much significance in modern times even long after the disappearance of the language way back in 2000 BC. One of those is the Sumerian symbol “ama-gi,” which directly translates into English as “returning to mother.”<p></p></p><p><p> </p></p><p> </p><p>I strongly believe that the symbol represents drawing a circle around ourselves, with our minds fully in our own hands and designing how and what we want out of life clearly define and taking action– knowing that; <i>“What we project in our minds is what we get and what we believe in is what we materialize out of the world.”</i><p></p></p>

Mind Control

Understanding control of the mind, starts with the individuals mindset and the fear of change and the what ifs... Help me spread the understanding of what #FEAR mean Thank You for your support and business .

DELETE -Keep calm and write on!

Keep calm and write on!
