Carolina Silva AYC17

Hey Everyone, <div>This is a campaign to help me go on an AYC trip this summer to Brazil. </div><div>I need to sell 50 of these in order to hit my goal with tee spring. I have until April 9th to hit my goal so happy shopping. </div><div>If your able to purchase one today and help me go and minister to the wonderful country of Brazil I would much appreciate it. </div><div>God bless, Love you all </div><div>Carolina Silva </div>


My favorite time of year, a time for reflection on the past year and the year to come. A time for harvest, home, and remembrance. 

Feed a child for a year!

<div><div>Please help Faustina Academy feed the children of Mano Gleh Public school in Liberia through Mary's Meals. For every shirt or mug you buy, a child will be fed for an entire year! All profit will go towards these children! Thank you for your support and God Bless!</div></div>
