Vaccines: The Greatest Lie Ever Told

Start the new year off with a t-shirt that cuts to the root of the vaccine mandate problem: <b>vaccines are not safe nor effective</b>. Be conversation starter! Be a leader! And help us shut down vaccine mandates by sharing the Truth. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>

Vaccines cause adults

Vaccines cause adults

Vaccine Injured Child Toddler Shirt

Let them know the numbers are much higher than one in a million

/Vaccines/Coincidence Disorder

Ever notice how when a parent notices a vaccine injury the Dr's are so brainwashed it must be a coincidence.. Vaccines are actually the leading cause of coincidence disorder around the world.. 

Vaccine Rights Scripture tanks & tees

Vaccines cause harm. Where there is a risk, there must be a choice. Educate others with this Vaccine Rights Scripture tank/tee that reminds us all we are called to speak out for our children. 

MPVR Mississippi Vaccine Rights Tee

<div>Mississippi's archaic vaccine law does not allow parents options regarding vaccinating their children without forgoing their right to daycare or public and private school. Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights is working with legislators to add a non-medical vaccine exemption like 48 other states have.<div><br></div> <div>Please help our efforts and educate the mom behind you in the grocery store checkout line by buying this informative tshirt! Our children deserve better. Thanks so much for your support!</div> </div><div><div><div></div></div></div>

Vaccine Truth Ingredients

Spread the truth about vaccine ingredients. 
