Support LuckyStrong!

The goal of this campaign is to support our son Lucky who has special needs. Lucky was born on 08/19/15, he was premature born at only 24 weeks and given less then 1% chance to live. When Lucky was born he flat lined multiple times, had a bilateral grade 4 brain bleed which caused hydrocephalus and now requires a VP shunt in his brain, had both lungs collapse, a hole in his heart, has low muscle tone and multiple other problems. Lucky is also Blind and Wheelchair dependent with a rare seizure disorder. Lucky is a very happy little boy who knows no other life but the one he has. And knows nothing else but to be strong, LuckyStrong!

The Holliday's Adoption

You can help us bring our son home by purchasing a shirt, hoodie, or mug! We greatly appreciate your support!  We are working hard to bring our son home to his forever family!

Welcome to Holland-an excellent journey

Have you ever read Welcome to Holland? A description of a mothers journey through special needs parenting.

Adoption Fundraiser

Ever need a reminder that YOU can do hard things? That you CAN get through this rough time in your life?  This has become our family mantra.  Buying this shirt will help sweet friends of mine with their adoption of a beautiful 12 year old girl from China.  


In honor of autism awareness, three families with autistic children have designed a t-shirt commemorating the progress made by their children and families using the Son Rise Program and lifestyle. All proceeds will help pay for their participation in the Son Rise Intensive Program.  This program involves flying a family and their autistic child to an exclusive ranch in Massachusetts to meet a highly professional group of therapists and experts... in hopes to bring them closer to recover their child from autism.  As you can imagine, it can be very costly, but is worthy every dollar.  Any purchase will be greatly appreciated.

The Mirror Mirror Movement

<b>Join The Mirror Mirror Movement</b>.<div>So many of our children grow up without seeing themselves appropriately represented in media.  I've spent 10+ years working to change this.  With so many beautiful shades of brown, I found an opportunity to empower our children, especially our little girls.    I hope you find value in my artwork and spread the word.</div><div><br></div><div><u>A portion of the proceeds will be used responsibly to continue supporting women and young girls in need. </u></div><div><br></div><div>Thank you, </div><div>Abigail Dillon, Artist</div><div><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></div>

OFFICIAL CYMCA Youth Institute Gear

<b>OFFICIAL logo for the Cambodia YMCA Youth Institute Program</b>. <br><br>Each youth were tasked with drawing 5 concept logos. The youth then voted on which logos were the best. This FINAL logo is comprised of elements from the top voted designs. Many thanks to Mayura Ouk for digitizing the logo!<div> <br><b><u><i>Proceeds from the shirts and gear will go directly to benefit the youth of the Youth Institute Program.</i></u></b> </div><div> <b><u><i><br></i></u></b>For more information about the program, please visit: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><br><br>To donate directly to the program, please contact Ron Ung [email protected] or visit: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><b><u><i><br><br></i></u></b> </div><div><div></div></div>

Autism Awareness in Honor of our Son

On Sunday, April 30th at 10am our family will be walking in the 15th <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Annual Imagine Walk and Family Fun Day</a> located in Goddard Park (Warwick, RI) to raise greater awareness of Autism in honor of our 8 year old son, Pummukau. <div><br></div><div>We would love to have our family, friends, &amp; community members join our team for this Autism Project event! <b>April is Autism Awareness month</b> (hence the blue shirt design..."light it up BLUE for Autism" &amp; "We Walk For Three Fires" for Pummukau Wutchee Aseeshquttauaog "He Dances for Three Fires"- the three fires literally being the three stars of Orion's Belt...past, present, &amp; future). This year's design has a medicine wheel for healing and three eagle feathers in honor of our past, present and future. <div><br></div> <div> <b>Buy a shirt to wear to the walk or buy a shirt to start a conversation about Autism</b>...<b>help to raise awareness in honor of our little Pummukau.</b> We hope to have as many of our friends and family join us to honor Pummukau and to raise awareness for this disorder that affects 1:68 children. </div> <div><br></div> <div>Thank you for your continued support! </div> </div>

Stop Bullying

Show your support to stop bullying funds raised going to support groups for bullied kids .   

Try So Hard University

You remember those kids that got picked first, played the whole time, scored a lot, and made things looks easy?  <br><div><br></div><div>Yea that's not us.  </div><div><br></div><div>A brand dedicated to the 10 year old still rocking training wheels.  The eight year old on the diving team; but only because they almost died trying to swim one lap.  The 13 year old wearing two shirts because they sweat too much which is actually counterproductive because now they're wearing more clothes which just makes them sweat more.    The college club sports all star that is known for having a lot of friends and organizing the post-game happy hour, but never actually playing.   You're super funny and the only thing more hilarious that your one-liners is when you attempt to throw a football. </div><div><br></div><div>To all my Non Athletic Regular People brothers in sisters, this awkward fitting shirt is for you. </div><div><br></div><div>#NARPfit  </div>

March For Babies - I Walk For My Preemie

#marchforbabies<br>#whyiwalk<br><br>*** NOT SOLD IN STORES ***<i><b><u><br></u></b></i><b><u>Grab Yours Now!!</u></b><br>100% Printed in the U.S.A - Ships Worldwide<br>Click Buy It Now to pick your size, style (T-Shirt, Tank Tops, etc) and order!<br><br><u><i><b>Tips: Share with your friends order together and save on shipping!<br><br></b></i></u>To know about sister marches please visit the official website:<b><br><u><i></i></u><br><br></b>Nearly 4 million babies are born annually in the U.S., and each one needs us.<br>It‘s up to you to take the first step. The money you raise is a lifeline for babies in the NICU, connecting them with the critical treatments and care they need. The community you‘re joining helps moms at every stage, from preconception to annual family walk day. The research you fund will help every mom and every baby for generations to come.<br>


<b>Make a statement with this Awesome MAN WITH CAMPING SKILLS Hoodie/Long Sleeve/T-shirt!</b><div><b><br></b></div><div> <div> <div>Printed right here in the <b>U.S.A</b>. Buy 2 or more and save on shipping! </div> <div><br></div> <div> <b>30 Day Money Back Guarantee | </b><b>Safe and Secure </b><b>Checkout </b>via PayPal/Visa/Mastercard</div> <div><br></div> <div>Select <b>style</b>, choose <b>color</b> and click <b>Buy it now</b>!</div> </div> </div><div> <div> <div> </div> </div> </div>
