The Labyrinth Project

Proceeds go directly to the Labyrinth Project to help in legal fees in setting up the Non Profit foundation. The project is for people of transition to provide gainful employment as well as stable housing in a group setting . Ruled by a strict"ZERO" tolerance program . Built with green technology , teaching skills, and broadening the educational thought process. Providing a family like setting for growth .  



Connect Educate Support

Mother & Child Education Center works to connect, educate, and support parents from pregnancy through toddler stage in greater Portland, OR and surrounding areas. Purchasing an item from this campaign helps to connect, educate, and support parents in the nurturing their children

JKD Puerto Rico

JKD Puerto Rico is turning to a nonprofit organization, in order to preserve Bruce Lee's art and Ted Wong's teaching legacy. Our aim is to provide practitioners in the Island the best education available to understand JKD as taught by Ted Wong. We expect to provide seminars with renowned international instructors as well as providing  scholarships to attend seminars outside the Island. 

Original BTA Shirt

BTA is a collection of like minded educators with a focus on training, empowering and developing a community of competent change agents within the educational system. In addition, we wish to develop a pipeline that foster career retention in the educational system.<br>

Deaf Kids are Visual Learners

This design was created to spread awareness that Deaf kids need visual access to learn. Many times Deaf students fall through the cracks in mainstream schools so they transfer to a deaf school. By the time they get to a deaf school and get visual access via American Sign Language and visual supports, they finally understand what they've been missing. This shirt serves as an echo of what Deaf kids are saying in the auditory world, "I am a visual learner." Empowering Deaf children and adults to embrace this is part of our vision.<div><br></div><div>We are working to ensure that no more Deaf kids fall through the cracks from language deprivation in the education system in the Pacific Northwest. 10% of all proceeds from this campaign will be donated to the Nyle DiMarco Foundation.</div>
